Kentaro Okumura


Randscape 1
2023 | jesmonite, thread, wood | 1000 x 1000 x 40 mm

Re-materialised, inorganic circuit boards sit as flesh in the middle of a surgical operation. 
This is an experiment to render the computational matters as a sanguine, pulsating part of our body.

Can we interpret the computations by machines as something tangible? 
When we touch the screens, we definitely feel the surface of the display. Smartphones are the best examples that guide us through the daily activities through this tangibility. But if you look at the computational constructions of such little computers, they may look quite aloof and evading our sense of smooth information. 

It is also a simile to cityscape – creeping slime moulds as a resident are rampant on the surface, indicating the limited durability of these man-made constructions.

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